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March 8, 2021 Monday Motivational Webinar

Terry Latham interviewed ASEA Diamonds Jim and Ann Glenn on last night’s Monday Motivational Webinar. They shared a very personal story about how ASEA crossed their paths in a time of great need in different areas of their life and what an amazing impact it has had in their lives. You will want to watch the playback of this webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/eYCd8dxRUgCx-A3sGLtJ8-qee3PTJqpDykSxZKQjmNuMSQDrDq-y9IdgQ5ihHZ-ZwlUwfeb4Zf4w-ODU.h36340g63c5bRQjS?continueMode=true


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