What is Redox Signaling?
Redox signaling molecules are produced within every cell in your body and act as either cellular messengers or cellular activators. The activator molecules carry the messages that tell your cells to activate antioxidants stored in your body. Antioxidants are chemicals (both naturally occurring and man-made) that keep oxidative free radicals in check and prevent them from causing other cellular damage. However, antioxidants don’t work unless activated by redox signaling molecules.
Without them, you would die within minutes. As you age your body makes fewer and fewer of these molecules. They are the foundation to cellular health and regeneration.
What is Asea REDOX?
ASEA has developed the only technology that can create and stabilize active redox signaling molecules in a consumable form. This proprietary process suspends these life-giving molecules in a pristine solution—a first-of-its-kind, cutting-edge health breakthrough.
No matter what your health concern may be, ASEA Redox Supplement can bring your cellular communication to optimal levels, improving the health of every system of your body, starting right now.
For more information: http://aseaglobal.com/en-us/products/asearedoxsupplement.aspx
What is Renu 28?
RENU 28 is a topical skin gel, revolutionizing the way we think about the health of our skin. It works from the outside in to promote cellular health, which then results in more vibrant, healthier skin on the surface.
For more information: http://aseaglobal.com/en-us/products/renu28.aspx
Step 1: Use the Products
Hopefully you’ve already begun to incorporate the ASEA® Redox Supplement and RENU 28™ into your wellness efforts. If not, start today. Drink 4 ounces of the supplement and apply RENU 28 twice daily to any area on your body where you want more healthy, young, and vibrant-looking skin.
Learn more about How to use ASEA and How to use RENU 28.
How to Purchase or Join:
How to order if you have not already signed up as one of the following we will describe each option to you. The person that directed you to Asea go to their Asea website and enroll or purchase.
Options for Ordering:
- Preferred Customer – Preferred Customers subscribe to our Preferred Customer Program (autoship) and receive ASEA product at discount pricing delivered right to your door every month. Cancel or edit your subscription at any time. Save between 15-35% on select products.
- Retail Customer – Purchase one time at regular retail prices.
- Associate – An associate membership for $40 allows you to become an International distributor of Asea products and receive wholesale prices on all Asea products.
What do you get for $40.00 enrollment fee?:
When you join you receive access to the Asea Virtual Office for ordering and business building information. The link is www.teamasea.com
You also receive your own Website- www.username (you have defined).teamasea.com. This gives you an instant business portal in which you can direct your consumers and prospect business builders to engage through online learning about Asea and ability to purchase as a customer or join you as an associate.
What is Autoship and Why You Should be on it:
Autoship is an automatic monthly delivery system of Asea products for Preferred Customers or Associates. As an associate in order to receive compensation for your sales you must maintain 100 Personal Points. This can be done through customer sales or personal use. We encourage you to set up at least 1 case autoship. This will ensure you hit your point volume each month and maintain active in the compensation plan that also make you eligible for commissions and bonuses. In addition you earn Loyalty Points for each autoship order which build over time earning you free products.
Step 2: Share and Build a Business
Share ASEA/RENU 28 through your own website
This is your own Business Website included with your associate membership with links to:
- Science
- Products
- Company and Opportunity
- Web Store
To Learn More about Sharing the Products and Business Click on Belong (link) below for a step by step guide to building a sustainable business.
Step 3: Connect Daily-Weekly-Monthly
Listen to Calls
Monday Motivational Series (9 PM CDT) Listen to be Inspired with Terry Latham every Monday.
- Monday Dial In: 9PM CDT 641-715-3660
Passcode 960531# - All Monday Calls Recorded Link
- Daily Charge Up Call: Listen to the first 5 minutes each day (new testimonial every day).Live call by phone: 712-770-5319
- pin 646827
- Key training for your business! Monday thru Friday (11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST Archived online: www.ChargeUpCall.info
- Archived call by phone: 712-770-5097 pin 646827##
- Friday Teach Day call Archives: Online at www.TeachDayCall.info
DAILY: Use Tools to Pique Interest
The best tools for easily introducing people to ASEA can be found online.
ASEA REDOX Discovery https://vimeo.com/359824661 (2 Minute video)
For Product Interest share www.redoxlife.net (3 min overview video)
For Business and Product share www.redoxlife.com (4 min overview video)
After you Pique Interest make sure to Follow Up and schedule a One-On One Meeting, an In Home Meeting or one of our Weekly Zoom meetings or share the Full 19 minute ASEA Redox Discovery video all of which can be found on the home page of this site to join: www.teamliveit.com
Once an Associate a great Getting Started Overview can be found at www.amazingmoleculestraining.com
In the Learning Center of our site you can also find additional supportive tools we use on a regular basis.
Get together with your sponsor and attend events.
Events are held across the United States on a regular basis and can be found at aseaevents.com. Also, connect with your upline for local events near you.