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Last night on the Monday Motivational Webinar, Terry Latham hosted special guest, ASEA COO- Scott Aldred. Scott is the Chief Operating Officer for ASEA and manages global manufacturing, distribution and call center support. On this call he shares how ASEA was prepared to handle the unknowns that have been before us during this unprecedented time, what they have done to mitigate risk to ensure operations and delivery of your ASEA products were not impacted. As leaders of your own businesses and/or consumers of this amazing technology you will appreciate and find comfort in the stellar leadership and strategic planning ASEA is known for and has delivered on during this crisis. You can listen to the playback here: https://zoom.us/rec/share/x9xtKo_Cx09JbYXAt2P4V78wM5W9X6a8hiQervAImEZYwwZ9JG7pgo0TaHP0NHcE?startTime=1587434410000


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